Find Out What Plans You’re Eligible for with a Medicare Eligibility Check

Are you new to Medicare and wondering about eligibility?

Medicare can be confusing, overwhelming, and difficult to understand – for anyone.

If you're currently trying to figure all this out and wondering the best ways to go about a Medicare eligibility check for different Medicare plans, don’t worry.

While it can seem like a lot of information and appear difficult to understand, it's not difficult to find the answers you want and the help you need.

In fact, we've gone ahead a laid out a few answers to common questions for you! We’ll walk you through it step by step...

Basic Facts About Medicare

Medicare is a federal health insurance program.

It has many parts:

A – Medicare for Hospital Insurance. This covers inpatient hospital stays, care in a skilled nursing facility, hospice care, and some home health care.

B – Medicare for Medical Insurance. This covers certain doctors’ services, outpatient care, and preventative services.

D – Medicare for Prescription Drug Coverage. Part D is often offered by insurance companies and other private companies approved by Medicare and adds prescription drug coverage to Original Medicare and other Medicare-related plans.

These parts can be, and often are, supplemented through Medicare Advantage Plans or Part C.

Who Does Medicare Cover?

If you’re wondering if you are eligible for Medicare coverage or who exactly is, then you’re not alone.

In general, Medicare is available for people at or over the age of 65. In addition, some individuals under the age of 65 can qualify based on disabilities or if they have been diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease (like permanent kidney failure which requires dialysis or a transplant).

Some individuals qualify for Medicare premium free.

You can get Part A Medicare, premium-free, if you meet one of the follow requirements:

You are eligible to receive Social Security or Railroad benefits
You (or your spouse) had Medicare-covered government employment
You are under the age of 65, but you have been entitled to Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board disability benefits for 24 months
You are a kidney dialysis or kidney transplant patient
If you do not qualify based on any of these requirements, but you are over the age of 65, then you might qualify to simply buy it.

For Parts B & D, there is a premium, but this can be deducted from your Social Security, Railroad Retirement, or Civil Service Retirement check.

If you do not qualify based on any of these requirements, but you are over the age of 65, then you might qualify to simply buy it.

For Parts B & D, there is a premium, but this can be deducted from your Social Security, Railroad Retirement, or Civil Service Retirement check.

A Quick Note About Medicare Advantage

When it comes to Medicare Advantage plans, the key thing to remember is that they are basically an all-in-one alternative to Medicare itself. Medicare Advantage plans are a simple way for you to gain more out of your Medicare.

Individuals who are on a Medicare Advantage Plan still have Medicare, but many plans offer additional coverage - like dental, vision, hearing, health and wellness programs, and more.

These plans have demonstrated a higher average quality of health outcomes in participants and have been strongly supported by the Medicare Trust Fund and others who legislate our healthcare nationally - which is great news for you. As these plans grow and increase, the benefits will as well.

How to Determine Your Eligibility

If you’re still in the dark about whether you are currently eligible for Medicare, we have good news!

There are two simple ways to learn if you qualify:

Click here to complete this Medicare eligibility check! It will help you determine exactly what options you qualify for and you’ll even find a helpful premium calculator.
Another easy way to learn if you’re eligible for Medicare is to simply get help. Because there's so much to consider when it comes to Medicare eligibility, it's often helpful to find a local advisor/agent who can explain exactly what you qualify for, what plans you have to choose from, and what you can expect going forward.
Plus, these agents will cost you nothing! Agents are paid by carriers, are unbiased towards any one plan, and are really there to help you determine the best plan for you, personally, based on your needs and priorities. They can even provide ongoing advice, no matter what you might encounter with your plan.

So, what are you waiting for? Reach out to a Plan Advisor near you to get started!

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